In a future British tyranny, a shadowy freedom fighter, known only by the alias of "V", plots to overthrow it with the help of a young woman.
Director: James McTeigue
Writers: Andy Wachowski (screenplay) (as The Wachowski Brothers) , Lana Wachowski (screenplay) (as The Wachowski Brothers) , 1 more credit »
Stars: Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, Rupert Graves | See full cast and crew »
Tells the story of Evey Hammond and her unlikely but instrumental part
in bringing down the fascist government that has taken control of a
futuristic Great Britain. Saved from a life-and-death situation by a man
in a Guy Fawkes mask who calls himself V, she learns a general summary
of V's past and, after a time, decides to help him bring down those who
committed the atrocities that led to Britain being in the shape that it
is in.
"V for Vendetta (2005)" Movie Reviews
am well aware that my summary line invites several retorts, and given
the nature of my comment those retorts may very well be resoundingly,
unanimously negative. If I say "This is one of the Best films I have
ever seen..." One would think the immediate response would be, "Then you
must not have seen many films in your time, dear boy." Butoh I have,
and it has been far too long since there has been something up on that
screen in the darkened theater that I enter to leave this boring,
monotonous existence that had the capacity to inspire. To see the
possibilities of what might be, what could never be, and what could
happen if the leaders of the world keep things going in the directions
that they are headed. V For Vendetta is just a film, yes? But it is also
a wake up call of which there are not enough in this time we live in.
It speaks directly to the hardship that we endure but seldom take notice
of because we are distracted by things that do not matter...upon
leaving the theater I saw people, teenagers mostly, the very people who
should be pro-actively questioning the methodical erosion of this thing
called government in the modern age, react with complete apathy. Most
try so hard to be so outwardly different from the rest that they do not
realize that in doing this they become just like everyone else;
oblivious. We as a society do not want to see films like this, we do not
want to acknowledge the atrocities going on in the world, all we want
to do is play our video games, watch reality television, spend our money
on clothes, jewelry, entertainment. Things that for all intents and
purposes we do not need. These are the distractions that keep society
from pondering in the wee hours of the night what they can do to prevent
true injustice. The evils committed by those that govern are far worse
than any fiction the cinema can dazzle us with these days. Yes this is a
truly great film and one that I will cherish for a long time. I can
only hope that its message finds a wide audience that is open to seeing
things from another perspective, in a uniquely human light. In the end
that is what the film is about...being human. Having the capacity to
choose weather or not to recognize the evils of society and take a stand
to make things better than they are. The film of course takes this idea
to extremes but for the viewing public dramatic examples are needed to
awake them from this artificially induced state of being we call
existence and say, "I see there is wrong, and it is my duty as a human
being to do what I can to make it right." To the makers of this unique
and wonderful film, I salute you.
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